1 January
Making promises with AngularJS
6 July
Getting back to writing again
14 June
2013 Year in Review
1 January
This is why you suck
22 September
Why I'm not supporting old IE versions
11 September
Bootstrap 3, Foundation 4 and Bourbon Neat - Part 2
5 August
Bootstrap 3, Foundation 4 and Bourbon Neat
14 June
2012 year in review
1 January
Controlling the FUTURE with the History API
20 December
Getting into vertical rhythm
8 October
Customize your continuous deployment with Heroku buildpacks
14 September
Let's Disqus Branch
26 August
Three useful jQuery event binding tips
19 August
The only thing killing your corporate culture is your corporate culture
6 August
Erlang Factory Lite Vancouver
30 July
jQuery plugin for really tracking text input changes
27 July
Modular CSS for a Twitter style toggle button
6 July
What's so great about Twitter Bootstrap?
27 June
Thanks Polyglots
31 May
Reclaiming the '501 developer'
19 April
Announcing the Vancouver Polyglot Conference May 25-27
25 February
.NET: So long and thanks for all the fish
8 February
In which I do a partial about face on CQRS
30 January
Aloha from Maui
21 January
Designers and engineers aren't that different
9 January
2011 year in review
31 December
MVP probably isn't what you think
8 December
The cargo cult of Jobs
18 November
One day at the top
15 November
The startup rush
10 November
You're having noSQL problems, I feel bad for you son
7 November
Microsoft and Open Source: Still Oil and Water?
3 November
No one wants to buy your iterations
1 November
Don't call the DOM in a loop
6 October
Javascript MVC - The paradox of choice
2 October
Riding the Rails with Heroku
20 September
Hacker long weekend: Make web and beer
5 September
More quality time with Nancy
12 August
Vim from start to finish
15 July
Starting 7 languages in 7 weeks
14 May
Web Development is not Broken
18 April
24 March
ALT.NET Vancouver Meetup Group
21 March
We're all out of duct tape, try putting some cheap code on it
18 March
Local conferences worth checking out
20 February
Quick and Dirty AoP in Nancy with Castle Windsor
19 February
Is Groupon is killing their golden goose?
12 February
Behavior Driven, Test Driven, Domain Driven Design
5 February
A RESTful weekend with Nancy
23 January
Is it time for a corporate culture revolution?
20 January
Being dynamically typed in a statically typed world
18 January
2010 Retrospective and 2011 Goals
2 January
LINQ is elegant part 2
8 December
Tell Don’t Ask
28 November
6 November
A brief introduction to CQRS
4 November
Finally settling down?
2 November
My pragma just killed your dogma
22 September
A big thank you to TekPub
28 August
Summer’s almost over, it’s conference time
28 August
CQRS: From NoSQL to NoDB
2 August
Simple tools make integration testing easy
21 July
How to poach an egg
4 July
Back to our regular scheduled program…
24 June
Goal setting: Measurements
21 May
Chris Nicola… Blade Runner
29 April
Virtualizing Stack Panel WPF!??? Part Duex
21 April
So you have to use Subversion? DONT PANIC
17 April
ALT.NET Seattle this weekend
9 April
The continuing adventures of a spam assassin
28 March
Color your Kanban
26 March
The next big step
21 March
Improving BlogEngine.NET spam filtering
16 March
LINQ is elegant
14 March
Going to ALT.NET Seattle
4 March
MVVM and VirtualizingStackPanel: WPF!!?
3 March
WPF AutoCompleteBox. finally!
27 February
Vancouver ALT.NET meetup - ASP.NET MVC and more
1 February
Graphite: It's Alive!
27 January
Even images need boundaries
22 January
A brief retrospective of 2009 and my goals for 2010
12 January
A Tag by any other name.
10 January
TekPub Linq Challenge!
8 January
Using an AutoMapFilter for Model -> ViewModel mapping
31 December
Convention over configuration with fluent nHibernate and AutoPersistenceModel
23 December
Mocking methods with lambda predicates parameters
23 December
Hola mi amigos!
15 December
Spam: The battle is won, but the war is never over
5 December
How I learned to stop using LINQ2SQL and love nHibernate
1 December
SimplyRestfulRouting wasn’t so simple for me
29 November
Fluent nHibernate can't quite see the forest for the trees
24 November
ASP.NET MVC Blog Engine: Part 1 of X
22 November
Automating Deployment with TeamCity and psake
18 November
What have I been up to lately?
14 November
An nHibernate lazy loading gotcha
13 November
Integration Testing with a Service Bus
16 October
ab-’using’ statements
15 October
The 7 habits of highly effective agile teams
6 October
A Bold New Look!
5 October
The Technical Debt of Red Green
28 September
Please stand by…
22 September
Changing over to Blogengine.NET… for now
8 September
Sunday Dinner: Pizza Rustica
6 September
Redmine + IMAP + Gmail = Easy ticket submission via e-mail
20 August
Issue/feature tracking with Git and Redmine under Windows
19 August
Petitions for (and against) a 24 hours Skytrain
15 August
Get VisualSVN to play nice with WebSVN and more
15 August
Generate Custom DDL for your Custom Id Generator with nHibernate
15 August
Wax Mannequin @ Pat’s Pub
8 August
Strings are immutable stupid!
4 August
iPhone 3GS, released on appeal
28 July
Enterprise Library Validation != 0
28 July
Bungling bundling with Rogers Wireless
28 July
Can Rogers really prevent VOIP over 3G?
25 July
Yielding to enumeration in C#
24 July
Implementing a custom ID generator for nHibernate
13 July
iPhone 3GS jailbreak available
6 July
Don't repeat yourself
6 July
Add an index to many-to-one relationships in nHibernate
30 June
iPhone 3GS jailbreak is coming soon
26 June
Making iPhone ringtunes quickly and painlessly
23 June
My new iPhone 3G “sport” and some app store recommendations
22 June
Custom HttpModules and AJAX errors
18 June
Speed up nHibernate startup with object serialization
18 June
Google Analytics Plugin for b2evolution 3.2.0
17 June
Things I didn't know about squid
16 June
On Iran’s election, twitter, and the failure of western media
14 June
Devteach and ALT.NET Canada are over
14 June
Loading RAW files in Qtpfsgui on 64-bit windows
7 June
Persistence Laws: Use Surrogate Keys
4 June
Creating HDR images with free open-source software
2 June
Downtown Alleyway
30 May
North Vancouver Sunset
30 May
WPF TreeView: It’s The Simple Things
29 May
Going to DevTeach and ALT.NET Vancouver 2009
22 May
Can DateTime spare a quarter?
20 May
nHibernate, Linq and Queries
19 May
Radio in Vancouver
9 May
B.C.’s Single Transferrable Vote (STV)
9 May
SVN, Trac and Windows, oh my!
8 May
First Post!
8 May