Integration Testing with a Service Bus

Using a service bus and messaging architecture allows for all sorts of good things with service oriented architectures, but one use I found for them recently was integration testing by using mocking framework with my messaging architecture. I was able to do this by simply by getting a mock of the IConsumer<T> and subscribing it to the bus.

You can see an example of such a test here:

public void CanLoadCashTransactionsFromISMFileAndSaveToDatabase() {
  var transactionCounter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IConsumer<TransactionSuccessful>>();
  transactionCounter.Expect(m => m.Consume(Arg<TransactionSuccessful>.Is.Anything)).IgnoreArguments().Repeat.Times(6);
  var sink = IoC.Resolve<ITransactionService>();
  var source = IoC.Resolve<ITransactionDataReader>();

I am using Rhino Mocks here along with the AAA syntax for this test.

I have a transaction source service sending TransactionMessage which are received by a transaction sink service which processes the transactions. The sink sends a TransactionSuccessful message if the transaction is processed correctly. A mock IConsumer<TransactionSuccessful> can be subscribed to the service bus to verify any expectations I have of the result messages. I can also create other mocks if I expect other results:

public void CanOnlyAddTransactionsOneTime() {
  var transactionCounter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IConsumer<TransactionSuccessful>>();
  transactionCounter.Expect(m => m.Consume(Arg<TransactionSuccessful>.Is.Anything)).IgnoreArguments().Repeat.Times(6);
  var duplicateCounter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IConsumer<TransactionExists>>();
  duplicateCounter.Expect(m => m.Consume(Arg<TransactionExists>.Is.Anything)).IgnoreArguments().Repeat.Times(6);
  var sink = IoC.Resolve<TransactionService>();
  var source = IoC.Resolve<IISMTransactionService>();

Here I am expecting that when duplicate transactions are received that a TransactionExists result message is sent along the bus and I can verify this using a second mock.

Monitoring the messages on the bus seems to be a very simple and clean way to verify expectations along the integration points between services.

Note: I should point out that currently Rhino Mocks does not check if something happens more than Times(int number) only that it isn’t called fewer times. Perhaps something like .Exactly.Times(int number) will be added to Rhino in the future

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