Modular CSS for a Twitter style toggle button

In the last post I did on Twitter Bootstrap I mentioned the SMACSS approach to CSS. One of the reasons I really like SMACSS is because I’ve found that, in general, good modularity is key to just about every aspect of scalable and usable design in coding and is important for far more than just CSS.

I want to show a simple example of SMACSS that I think gives a good idea of how it helps with building reusable and composable CSS modules. Spefically, we’ll build a nice and flexible toggle button.

Now Twitter Bootstrap does come with it’s own toggle button, but it doesn’t suit my purposes. You can toggle it’s state and it will look pressed or not pressed, I want a much more powerful toggle button. One that can display a different message, icon and style to the user depending on this state. Ironically, this is exactly the same sort of toggle that Twitter uses for it’s own follow/unfollow button.

This toggle button should be able to do the following:

Here is what I came up with for my toggle button.

<button class="btn btn-toggle is-active">
  <div class="default btn-icon">
    <i class="icon-default"></i>
    <span class="text">Default Hover</span>
  <div class="default btn-icon">
    <i class="icon-default"></i>
    <span class="text">Default</span>
  <div class="active hover btn-icon">
    <i class="icon-active-hover"></i>
    <span class="text">Active Hover</span>
  <div class="active btn-icon">
    <i class="icon-thumb"></i>
    <span class="text">Active</span>

The SCSS is simply as follows:

.btn-toggle {
  > div { display: none }
  > .default { display: inline-block }

  &.is-active > .active { display: inline-block }
  &.is-active > .default { display: none }
  &.is-active > .active.hover { display: none }

  &:hover > .default.hover { display: inline-block }
  &:hover > .default.hover + .default { display: none }
  &:hover > .default.hover ~ .default { display: none }

  &.is-active:hover > .default.hover { display: none }
  &.is-active:hover > .active.hover { display: inline-block }
  &.is-active:hover > .active.hover + .active { display: none }
  &.is-active:hover > .active.hover ~ .active { display: none }

You can figure out the CSS pretty easily from that, it’s just much more concise to use SCSS in my blog posts (If you don’t like it, just be happy I don’t also use HAML).

So what we do here is use the is-active class to determine the ‘on’ state style while the standard :hover selector handles hovering. The CSS2/3 selectors for siblings + for siblings after and ~ for siblings before ensure that the hover state hides all of it’s relatives if and only if it exists. In other words if you don’t include a hover state div in your HTML it won’t hide the non-hover state so they are optional in the HTML, but the CSS can remain consistent.

One last thing of note is that if you are trying to maximize browser compatibility you should put the hover state immediately before the state it replaces. This ensures the + selector can be used which is a CSS2 standard otherwise you may need to rely on the ~, which is the general sibling selector and then they don’t have to be immediately next to one another. Either way however the hover states must preceed the non-hover states for this to work because CSS is stupid and has no truly general sibling selector.

Next the btn-icon module is applied to each “sub-button” which is responsible for making these buttons adaptive so they change for mobile layouts.

.btn-icon {
  @media (max-width: 767px) {
    .text { display: none }
  @media (min-width: 768px) {
    i { 
      float: left; 

For tablet and up we float the icon left expecting a span of class text to follow it and for mobile devices we simply hide the text showing only the icon.

Finally, we’ve also applied the btn class which is simply the default site style for a button. So there we have three modules that we can compose to create a neatly styled and adaptive toggle button with icons and text.

While this clearly isn’t groundbreaking stuff I feel this gives a nice and simple example of how to start thinking about and creating CSS modules.

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