Chris Nicola
My name is Chris Nicola and I’m a software developer living in Vancouver, B.C. and I’m currently building an online financial planning and wealth management startup called WealthBar with my wife Tea. (As such, no, I’m not interested in job opportunities).
I’m also one of the founders of the Polyglot Software Association, which is a non-profit community organization here in Vancouver that runs a yearly software developer “un-conference” called Polyglot Conference and a local meetup group called Polyglot Vancouver. Our goal is to support educational and social events for software developers, while being “non-denominational” with respect to programming languages, frameworks and tools. Over the years, we’ve supported a number of conferences and events in Vancouver for the software developer community includeing CascadiaJS, Erlang Factor Lite and Devops Days.
I also have a B.Sc(Eng) and M.Sc in applied math and primarily studied information and communications theory. Stuff like data compression and error-correcting codes.
This blog is primarily about my learnings and (mis)adventures in software development. I started it shortly after I gave up on my Ph.D and decided to build software things full time. I’ve discussed languages, frameworks, patterns and practices, tools, etc. I also blog a bit about agile, lean and general personal improvement ideas I’m trying out. As I also enjoy cooking, baking bread, brewing beer, drinking beer, and photography so I may occasionally break from the regularly schedule programming to post up new sets of photos or a new recipe that’s worked out particularly well.
If you’d like can also follow me on twitter @chrismnicola.