Controlling the FUTURE with the History API

Scott Barnes issued something of a challenge on Twitter yesterday

It turns out it is possible to do this using the History API, though arguably it requires a bit of a hack. This History API was designed to allow web application designers to add history to the browser so they could use the back button to navigate backwards even when no actual browser navigation occurred (loading new state with an AJAX request). Unfortunately it was never really designed to allow you to navigate forward. Still, there is a way.

What you can do is inject the next page into the API using the history.pushState function and then immediately go back in the history to the current page. Leaving you with a navigation breadcrumb in the forward direction.

Then, when the user navigates forward you can detect the popstate event and load the next page. How you load the next page is up to you. In the first example below I’ve just done a quick location.reload() but since we’re using the History API it would be snappier to do something with AJAX to just replace the HTML in the page (similar in principle to the jQuery PJAX plugin), I’ll get to that in a moment.

$(function() {
  if (!history) return;
  current = location.href;
  next = $('.pagination a.prev').attr('href');
  history.pushState('pagination', null, next);
  onPjaxPopstate = function(e) {
    if (location.href === current || !e.state || !e.state.pagination) return;
  $(window).bind('', onPjaxPopstate);

So why is it feel kind of hackish? Well the History API doesn’t really expose anything that lets you just add entries to the history list so you literally have to navigate forward and back again. This causes a visible flicker in the location bar as you insert the forward link.

With a little more time to think about it, I now have some idea how we might fix this. We could push the current url onto the history stack instead so the browser address doesn’t change and include the next url in the state object which gets passed through to the popstate event. Then we can use replace state later to update it so the back button functions. This is a bit trickier though because the History API is a bit unreliable across browsers in it’s behaviors. I’ve usurped a trick from an older revision of jQuery-pjax to help out though. It’s still a bit quirky though.

$(function() {
  if (!history) return;
  current = location.href;
  next = $('.pagination a.prev').attr('href');
  history.replaceState({ page: current }, null, current);
  history.pushState({ page: next }, null, current);
  onPjaxPopstate = function(e) {
    var state = e.state;
    if (!state || ! return;
    if (!popped) {popped = true; return;}
    history.replaceState({ page: }, null,;
  // Used to detect superfluous popstate event fired by Chrome
  var popped = ('state' in window.history), initialURL = location.href
  $(window).bind('popstate', onPjaxPopstate)

The problem is need to detect Chrome’s weird extra popstate call and discard it, Firefox on the other hand doesn’t do this. This demonstrates one of the issues with using HTML5 features, the inconsistencies. You can, of course, try libraries like History.js which are designed to smooth out inconsistencies and can act as a shim. I played with it a bit, but there is still seems to be some unexpected behaviours and hacking required.

Now lets try to use AJAX instead of this crappy reload call. In this case we can also keep all of the state in the current page which also helps us smooth out the inconsistent History state behaviour. Here is the final result.

This is of course just a quick and dirty proof of concept. It’s designed specifically to work with the paging of the Octopress, however I think it demonstrates the concept and it could easily be made into a simple jQuery plugin similar to PJAX. If there is sufficient interest I might spend a bit more time on it.

There are some definite downsides too. By hijacking the “future” or even the “past” you may break a users expectations. For example if you click on a post from the post listing, then go back, the forward button will no longer take you back to the post it takes you to the next page.

This is similar to the problem most people have with Android’s back button, where sometimes it takes you to a different level of the app’s hierarchy and other times it takes you out of the app to the home screen or perhaps another app. It’s inconsistent. So whatever you do, it is important to use something like this wisely.

I will say that it’s works great with a Macbook’s forward swipe gesture.

Want to try it out? Go here and start clicking forward.

Update: Since I’ve updated the site design and the index no longer has pagination this doesn’t work anymore. If there’s interest I’ll set up a demo somewhere else. Ping me on twitter if you’d like.

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